Wetwiski Wetwiska Authement Treuil Ripp Murray Williams

Some of Pam's Old Photos not sorted.

Photos of the Authements
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Wetwiskas
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Wetwiski Parents
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Wetwiski Kids
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Rips and Murrays
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Treuils
Supplied by Pam

Photos of Buddy Treuil (was killed comming home from WWII)
Supplied by Pam

Unidentified photos from slides
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Junos
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the 25th Jubilee
Supplied by Pam

Hodam Mountian could be the storm of 4-24-1908
Supplied by Pam

School and Small Photos
Supplied by Pam

Uncle Bob the Rev Robert William Ripp S M (over 700 photos)
Supplied by Pam

Unidentified Photos (Over 700 photos)
Supplied by Pam

Photos of the Williams